Emotional Quotient and Students’ Mathematical Problem-Solving Proficiency: A Meta-Analysis

Putri Nur Malasari(1*), Adeneye O. A. Awofala(2),

(1) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus
(2) University of Lagos
(*) Corresponding Author


Mathematical problem-solving proficiency is one of the proficiencies that students must have to learn mathematics. The emotional quotient is one of the variables that influence pupils' capacity students mathematical problem-solving proficiency. Many research publications show that emotional quotient is closely related to students' mathematical problem-solving proficiency. This study aims to prove and validate the correlation between emotional quotient and students' Mathematical problem-solving proficiency. The data was obtained from a search on the Google Scholar database from 2013 to 2021. 23 research publications in Indonesia and Nigeria that met the criteria required as samples. Data analysis used a quantitative meta-analysis approach with a correlation meta-analysis. The findings reveal a positive and substantial correlation (5% significance level) between students' emotional quotient and students’ mathematical problem-solving proficiency. The mean effect size is 0.761 (high category) in the range of 0.578 and 0.944. This result demonstrates the coherence of the findings of the examined studies.


emotional quotient, mathematical problem-solving, mathematics, meta-analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30738/indomath.v5i2.30


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